2015年8月5日 星期三

Luis vas de Camoes 詩鈔《Of that forlorn and happy breaking day》

Luis Vaz de Camoes (1524-10.6.1580) 是葡萄牙著名詩人,在里斯本出生及逝世。他的生平介紹一般都提及水他曾戀上一個皇帝也看中的女人,有緣無分,傷心非常,那個女人還傷心致死。之後,他參與摩洛哥戰爭,受到箭傷致一眼失明。他旅居至一個叫Goa的地方,寫了一首諷刺詩,遷怒了一個葡國士兵,被驅逐到澳門(哇!好近啊)。後來放還歸國,中途還遇到海難,靠一木板倖存。他終於又流落到Goa,因負債被捕,過了8年的牢獄生涯。1569年他獲准前往里斯本,皇帝給他少許養老金,本來還可過活,誰不知這皇帝駕崩,養老金也沒有了。晚年貧困淒涼,被以前一個僕人照顧,到街上行乞,勉強苟活,終年56歲。


今天daybreak,就選他Sonnets中一首《Of that forlorn and happy breaking day》來讀讀,由Austen Hyde翻譯成英語。

Of that forlorn and happy breaking day
that rose so full of ache and sweet devotion,
as long as hearts have yearning in their motion
let the remembrance in the world hold sway.

Only the daybreak, mottled and serene
as she peeked up to cast her lighting gaze,
looked on as one desire parted ways
with one more, never after to be seen.

Only she saw the streaming teardrops well
together, as they ran from each one's eyes,
into a river's long and widening surge.

The daybreak glimpsed the brokenhearted words
that could have turned a fire into a freeze
and granted rest to souls condemned in hell.

